• Month-by-month Guide - Port Stephens

    The month-by-month guide below represents sightings from pelagic trips out of Newcastle, Swansea and Port Stephens between 2000 and 2015.

    No records for this month
    Very rare (1 record in 50 trips)
    Rare (1 record in 20 trips)
    Infrequent (1-2 records in 10 trips)
    Frequent (3-5 records in 10 trips)
    Common (6-8 records in 10 trips)
    Very common (9-10 records in 10 trips)

    No records for this month
    Very rare (1 record in 50 trips)
    Rare (1 record in 20 trips)
    Infrequent (1-2 records in 10 trips)
    Frequent (3-5 records in 10 trips)
    Common (6-8 records in 10 trips)
    Very common (9-10 records in 10 trips)